"We are being invited to awaken to our true nature as spirit beings, energy shapers, and prophets of potential . . ." - Barbara Holmes
Awakening to our ‘true nature’ often requires that we listen for it. The busy-ness of our days makes that hard to do if we don’t set aside time. And then, even when we sit with anticipation, we sometimes feel like nothing happens! Maybe being is what happens that prepares us for our potential . . .

What would you have for me, O God?
I come to meet you here
to be still
to sit in awareness of my breathing
seeking your presence.
I want a revelation
an epiphany
an assurance
a moving sense of presence.
I want a sense of other-worldly
but I am very much in this body
and in this space.
Suddenly what is inside of me, what is nestled deep within my bones
expands to meet my skin and the space in which I dwell.
My breath pulls the outside in
and returns the inside out.
I receive no message, no epiphany,
I simply am.
My being is porous while keeping its shape
my boundaries are blended with what is beyond me.
My other world is this world and the Presence throughout
weaving energy and connection with it all.
I have no grand thought
no direct mission
no word to share.
I simply am.
united within and without
Called to be in the world
to love it as it is
to be energy and potential.
I am present
What wondrous Love is this.