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JustUs for the Common Good

Jesus calls us to be the salt of the earth, to give it a flavor of meaning and purpose for the sake of God’s Beloved Community. We hear the call to purpose through the words Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” These words are effective only if we join God in partnership, loving God and neighbor through acts of mercy and justice. What will this look like for NorthPark Presbyterian in 2025?

Civic Engagement at NorthPark took shape in 2024 with a focus on ensuring people had the information needed to vote and to be an informed voter. The election is over, but civic engagement extends beyond voting to using our voices in the public square with a heart of compassion and humility for justice. What are you passionate about?

Image by Rev. Amy Moore
Image by Rev. Amy Moore

Texas Impact, with whom NorthPark partners, is a great resource for discovering where we can advocate for change in the 2025 legislative session. The four pillars of justice for advocacy in 2025 determined by the Texas Impact Board include Economic Justice, Climate, Human Rights, and Civic Engagement. Find more information under the Events tab at this link. Last year NorthPark participated in raising a collective voice for equity in education. The need for religious freedom and equitable, quality education in Texas continues to need advocacy. It may seem like a small drop in the bucket to raise your voice through letter writing or phone calls, but collectively the drops fill the bucket and drive policies for a more just future. If legislators don’t hear from you, then who are they listening to?

To faithfully use our privilege as a collective voice for justice, Civic Engagement at NorthPark will meet again January 26 after 11:00 am worship to further discern our advocacy efforts. Come listen. Come learn. Come bring what effort you have to offer; no effort is too small!

With Christ we pray, Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

In this together for the building of Beloved Community.



NorthPark Presbyterian Church

9555 N Central Expy Dallas, TX 75231


Phone: 214. 363. 5457


Office Hours

8:30 - 4:30 Monday - Thursday

8:00 - 1:00 Sunday

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