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Early Voting Starts Today!

Early voting starts today! Did you know Dallas County has 29 candidate races and 18 ballot measures on the ballot? Are you familiar with the candidates and issues that will serve the common good? Read further for resources to study your ballot before you vote, and find out how Civic Engagement at NPPC has actively participated in getting folks out to the polls…

Voter Resources

  • Ballotpedia and BallotReady are easy-to-navigate resources to research who/what is on your ballot and create a print-out of your choices to take with you to the polls. The League of Women Voters also features important date reminders.

  • Many polling places have changed. Check the above links to find your current polling places.

Civic Engagement in September

  • 15 congregants gathered to send over 200 personalized “Get Out The Vote” postcards.

  • Hosted a table near the welcome desk with important voting and registration information. This table will remain a resource for NPPC engagement as Texas moves into its 89th legislative session beginning January 2025. 

  • Hosted a table at Northpark Mall…

Heather Thorson and Margaret Isom completed and turned in 18 Dallas County and 3 Collin County registration forms, in addition to providing an additional 10 mail-in registrations. They helped people 

  • confirm their registration. 

  • addressed questions about voting ID’s 

  • and only wished they forms available for Tarrant and Denton county visitors who wanted to register. We definitely have room for more help next time!

Heather said, “I loved that we had young to old and so many different cultures who stopped by the table and are clearly committed to exercising their civic privileges and duties. We had people who also said ‘thank you for what you are doing.’ It was a great experience.”

  • Thank you Heather, Margaret, and NPPC folks who supported them during their 6 hours of service to the community.

In this together, 

Amy and Civic Engagement at NPPC



NorthPark Presbyterian Church

9555 N Central Expy Dallas, TX 75231


Phone: 214. 363. 5457


Office Hours

8:30 - 4:30 Monday - Thursday

8:00 - 1:00 Sunday

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