About us
We are a people serious about following God without taking ourselves too seriously. NorthPark is a diverse family of faith that welcomes all (and all means all!) as we joyfully worship, equip young and old to be disciples, nurture bonds of community, and serve in Christ's ministries of peace and justice.
We welcome you to join us on a journey of faith!​ Join us Sunday mornings, for a mission project, a weekday study, youth group, or a fellowship event.
Organized in 1867, NorthPark was the first Presbyterian Church and the second house of worship built in Dallas.
Today, the congregation is lively, inclusive, supportive, and accepting.
-Members live in South Dallas, the far North suburbs, and every point in between.
-The membership is multi-racial, including a number of people from African countries and Thailand.

-NorthPark welcomes LGBTQ people in the life of the church.
-Worship and church activities are intentionally multi-generational.
NorthPark is committed to serving others and putting its faith into action. NorthPark partners with many social services agencies across the metroplex. On campus, we grow thousands of pounds of tomatoes that are donated to local food pantries. We strive to put hunger in the rear-view mirror with the NorthPark Reverse Food Truck.
We hope that you find NorthPark to be a place of hospitality, grace, and inspiration!
NorthPark leaves worship every Sunday saying these words, "Go out into the world in peace. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself."
-Matthew 22: 37-39


If it’s your first time visiting with us, you can let us know about your visit ahead of time or be on the lookout for a friendly usher with a name tag. We’ll be sure to help you or your family find where you need to go on our campus.
Let us know about yourself by sharing your contact information in the blue book found in your pew or registering your online attendance here.